Online Camp is being held for Elementary and High School Students (Grade 3-12)
Monday to Friday
3 pm – 4 pm EST for Eastern and Central Canada Atfal and Khuddam
3 pm – 4 pm PST (4pm – 5pm Calgary Time MST) for Western Canada Atfal and Khuddam
Dear Parents
Assalamo alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatohu,
As you know, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Canada Online Classes have been happening over past many weeks; ever since schools were closed.
By the Grace of Allah, we have received a lot of positive feedback. Many parents have also sent very constructive feedback as well. We are continually working to improve the quality and format of these classes in light of the feedback we receive. As such, Starting the week of April 20th, we will be using “Zoom Webinar’s” to conduct the online sessions.
The purpose of organizing these classes is to educate our children and give them a platform so they can become the shining stars of Ahmadiyyat.
Depending on the age group, the format of the classes is as follows:
- 1st hour – Tarteel and recitation of Holy Qur’an, along with memorization of Salat and its translation.
- 2nd hour – A more interactive discussion and Question & Answer session is held with students on contemporary topics (i.e.: Bullying is discussed in younger grades, while addictions and mental health, etc… may be discussed in more senior grades).
By the grace of Allah, all the classes are being conducted by missionaries and senior knowledgeable members. I am very grateful for their ongoing support and cooperation to conduct these classes. The approved National syllabus is being followed in these classes.
The overall syllabus can be found here: https://atfal.ca/onlinecamp/
Our online classes schedule:
– Central Canada between 4PM – 6PM EST (Toronto Time)
– Western Canada 4PM – 6PM PST (Vancouver Time)
Hazrat Musleh Mau‘udra has said that, “If you preach to the world, but leave Ahmadi children trapped in idle activities, all your efforts will be in vain” (Mash‘al Rah, Volume 1, Page 109).
It has been observed that some parents do not know about these classes or are not encouraging their children to join. Alhamdulillah, approximately 700 students are joining these classes daily.
I humbly request all parents to please make sure that young boys between Grade 3 to Grade 12 must attend these beneficial classes by going to https://atfal.ca/onlinecamp/
I humbly request feedback from parents on an ongoing basis so that we can use it to improve our quality even more. My email is sadr@khuddam.ca
May Allah accept our humble efforts. Ameen
Zubair Afzal
Serving as Sadr Majlis
Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Canada