Ijtima Package 2025

Local & Regional Ijtimā’ Preparations: Essential Resources

As we approach the upcoming Local and Regional Ijtimā’, we have compiled a set of important resources to help streamline the preparation process. Please refer to the following documents to ensure that all aspects of the Ijtimā’ are well-organized and executed smoothly.

Ijtimā’ Syllabus

The following syllabi will be the same for Local, Regional, and National Ijtimā’ events. Please ensure that they are used for all levels of participation:

  1. Ijtimā‘ Syllabus for Mayār Sagheer Atfāl (Group 1 – Ages: 7 – 9)
  2. Ijtimā‘ Syllabus for Mayār Sagheer Atfāl (Group 2 – Ages: 10 – 11)
  3. Ijtimā‘ Syllabus for Mayār Kabeer Atfāl (Ages: 12– 15)

Ijtimā’ Resources for Nazimeen

The following resources are provided to assist the Nazimeen in organizing and managing the Ijtimā’ events effectively:

  1. Local Ijtimā‘ Guidelines
  2. Duty Chart Template
  3. Program Template
  4. Ijtimā‘ Expense Form
  5. Atfal Ijtima Sports Competitions Guideline
  6. Atfal Ijtima Educational Competitions Guideline & Marking Scheme
  7. Marking Sheets for Educational Competitions
  8. Certificate Templates
  9. Duty Badge Template
  10. Team Quiz Competition Syllabus

If you have any feedback, comments, suggestions, or questions, please feel free to reach out to the Department of Umumi at umumi@atfal.ca.

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