National Virtual Rally 2021

Educational Competitions

Click here for the educational competitions syllabus

Zoom Rooms

To participate in educational competitions during the National Rally, please join the zoom meeting for your respective competition and mayar. Please note Zoom rooms for competitions will only be open 10 mins prior to the competition start time.

Note: If you would like to watch the live stream only and are not participating in the competitions, please follow the Watch Live link provided on the Rally Program page.

Time Competition and Zoom Link
Friday, Sep 17 2021
06:30 pm - 08:30 pm ET
Adhan Competition
Diyanat Group (Ages 7-9)
Sadaqat Group (Ages 10-12)
Saturday, Sep 18 2021
11:00 am - 01:45 pm ET
Tilawat Competition
Diyanat Group (Ages 7-9)
Sadaqat Group (Ages 10-12)
Shujaat Group (Ages 13-15)

Nazm Competition
Diyanat Group (Ages 7-9)
Sadaqat Group (Ages 10-12)
Shujaat Group (Ages 13-15) Pass: 123

Saturday, Sep 18 2021

02:30 pm - 05:00 pm
English Speech Competition
Diyanat Group (Ages 7-9) Pass: 917346
Sadaqat Group (Ages 10-12) Pass: 171565
Shujaat Group (Ages 13-15) Pass: 414480

Urdu Speech Competition
Diyanat Group (Ages 7-9) Pass: 290788
Sadaqat Group (Ages 10-12) Pass: 401389
Shujaat Group (Ages 13-15) Pass: 123

French Speech Competition
All Groups Pass: 621056