Mohsin Abdullah Sahib
Secretary Waqf Jadīd
Department of Waqf Jadid
What is Waqf Jadid?
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II (ra) initiated the blessed scheme of Waqf Jadīd (The New Dedication) on December 27. 1957 and inaugurated Waqf Jadid Daftar Atfal (for boys & girls from newborn to 15 years) in 1966.
Waqf Jadid was started with the following objectives:
- The moral training (Tarbiyat) and Tabligh among rural Jama’ats
- To Concentrate on Tabligh to the Sindh Province of Pakistan
- Waqf Zindagi (Life devotion)
In 1985 the scheme was expanded worldwide in by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (ra), so that Jama’ats in Western countries could also contribute to the blessed scheme. Now, all countries are included in this blessed scheme!
Donation Levels for Children
$50 to $99 → Young Mujahid
$100 to $199 → Mujahid Saf-e-Dom
$200 & Above → Mujahid Saf-e-Awwal
Plan for 2023-2024
- Achieve the Waqf Jadid Majlis Collection Target by December 31st 2023 for Year 2023
- Collect Pledges from 100% Atfal by April 30, 2024 for year 2024
- Educate Atfal about importance of Waqf Jadid via presentations at local Ijlasat A’am.
- Recognize Saf-e-Awwal Atfal at Region and Local level.
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih II (ra), explaining the importance of this blessed Scheme, stated: “This is the work of God, and it shall certainly be completed. As God has placed this zeal in my heart, I am going to perform this duty even if I have to sell my houses, my clothes. Even if not a single person assists me, God will remove all those who are not helping me and shall cause angels to descend from heavens to lend me support.”Friday Sermon, January 5, 1958